FULL NAME: Adrienne Mariana Felice
8KNOWN AS: Adrie, A, Fefe
DATE OF BIRTH: April 1, 1987
AGE: 27
LOCATION: Staten Island, NY
OCCUPATION: Physical Therapist
MARITAL STATUS: Engaged to the longtime love of her life, Ayden LeBlanc
RELIGION: Was raised Catholic, but is non-practicing, considers herself closer to agnostic.
AIM / JOURNAL: n/a / ~Adrie
EDUCATION: High School, DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) Bachelor's Degree from NYU: Steinhardt, Clinical Residency at Huntington Beach Physical Therapy Specialists, Specialty Certification in Pediatrics through APTA
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish
ZODIAC: Aries | Ox
LIKES/DISLIKES: Twinkies, Mountain Dew, spiders, candles, cinnamon, being right, cars, orange, Sephora, manicures, spending money, Pringles, Vanilla Bean Frappucinos, Monopoly,

Adrienne was born to Antonio and Carmen Felice, two first generation immigrants from Mexico. Adrie's grandparents had come to New York during WWII, both young couples meeting on the boat and staying friends. Eventually, two of their children, Antonio and Carmen, fell in love and got married.

They decided to stay in the Bronx, where their parents had settled and started their family in a little apartment with no air conditioning. In the meager years, Antonio was finishing up at the Police Academy and not able to work as much. Carmen found work at a local high school as a guidance counselor, so she paid the rent while her husband finished his training.

When Adrienne was born, she joined 3 older brothers - Antonio, Jr., Andrew and Alex. Being the youngest, and the only girl, she very rarely was told, "No." Her brothers picked on her, as any good older brothers would, but Adrienne picked up the concept of revenge very quickly. Naturally, it didn't stop them from picking on her, but they went a little easy on her out of fear of getting to school and finding their hand-packed lunch from mom to be nothing more than a bar of soap, a toothbrush and a screwdriver from the junk drawer - a lesson Andrew learned the hard way.

As the children grew up, and things became less of a battle between Alex and Adrie, the two discovered that they actually liked each other's company. She was still the kid sister, who tried to be exactly like him, but he found companionship in her, and became fiercely protective of her - even more than the other two. So, when Alex was involved in a car accident with a friend's family on a weekend trip in the Poconos, and had to be life flighted back to NYC, Adrie was more terrified than she'd ever been. It had been a complete accident - nothing more than a cardboard box flying into the freeway and causing a collision involving eight cars - but it was one that had nearly claimed her brother's life.

When Alex came home from the hospital two months later, the entire Felice family was merely glad to have him home. He required two years of physical therapy before he was back to normal again, and helping him with his exercises - as well as finding new ones and reading about it all online - was what inspired Adrie to go into the physial therapy field. She loved helping her brother, and learning about how amazing the body worked, and how therapy helped to promote healing - it seemed the only natural path for her.

When she was sixteen years old, Adrie had gone with Andrew when he needed to have his car fixed. Little did she know how much her life was about to change the moment she walked through that heavy glass door with the rusty sleigh bell attached to the handle. From the moment she saw his eyes on her, heady and brimming with the exact kind of lustful attention that most sixteen year old girls often mistake for love. Ayden's attentions fueled her, and she became addicted almost immediately, surrendering herself completely to him. Mind, body and soul were his, and she was head over heels in love with him.

Although they'd probably set records for their screaming matches, even had the cops called on them once, they loved each other more than anything. It had taken Ayden some time to admit to his feelings, and Adrie had a lot of maturing of her own to do, but above all, they loved each other enough to work through their problems. No one understood why she was with him - not her parents, not her friends, and especially not her brothers. But still, she stuck with him, pushing through the off and ons, always staying with him in the end because she knew it was worth it.

Working hard in high school got her into NYU on a full scholarship for the DPT program, which took three complete years. Summers were spent on residencies and clinicals, and the school year was jam packed with classes. She moved in with Ayden officially, causing such a large rift with her family that they didn't speak for a month. They agreed to disagree, for the sake of Adrienne, and decided that they would let her make her own decisions, despite their personal feelings on the matter. Unfortunately, their dislike for Ayden and their worry for their daughter's wellbeing was proven to be justified when Adrie came back from school one spring day to find Ayden home early from work, already drinking. He told her that there was someone he'd hooked up with during one of their breaks, and that she was pregnant. And it was his.

Naturally, Adrienne was devastated, and angry. With a broken heart, she moved out of Ayden's place the next day, with the all-too-willing help of her brothers, and never looked back. Her friends and family welcomed her back with open arms, and she fell into them, trying to rely on them to pull her through. When they couldn't, her anger could. She finished her school with grades that earned her the opportunity for an exceptional residency program in California. While she was petrified to leave her family, she hoped that the new scenery would help her to heal, and help fill the hole in her heart that he left.

After finishing her residency, she decided to accept their offer for a full time position, and joined the staff of the Huntington Beach Physical Therapy Specialists office. She settled into her own little corner of the world, spending as much time burying her feelings as she did on the beach. Every time she was asked out, she looked at them and tried her hardest to feel something, always to her avail. She'd slept around, and she enjoyed being the mouse to any particular cat that caught her eye, but she never stayed. No one could ever catch her, because no one was Ayden LeBlanc, and she had forgotten to get her heart back from him in the turmoil of leaving.

Luckily, though, life gave her the chance to get it back, and she climbed into the window of opportunity, and right into his bed. Forgiveness was not something that came easily, though, and they fell right back together in every sense of the word - complete with the same old fights. This time, though, was different. Their time spent apart had given them perspective, and meaning, and suddenly they were fighting for something, fighting for a chance to be again. Realizing this, they gave it another chance, and have found peace with their own little piece of life. The fights faded, and the love they had never stopped feeling for each other pulled them through to the other side - complete with Wyatt.

Emerging on the other side meant baby Nico's arrival, and news that Ayden had inherited the same garage in which he and Adrie had met all the way back in high school. It meant settling into a family routine of school permission slips and runs to the store after work for milk and diapers, it meant bedtime stories and a much needed glass of merlot to unwind. And it was everything that Adrie had always wanted. It felt as though the LeBlanc family was coming together - a fact that was further proven when Ayden surprised her with a trip to Hawai'i, complete with a proposal. The considerations they'd given to moving back to New York were finally confirmed when Adrie received word that she'd gotten the position that she'd applied for at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Such a good job, as well as Ayden owning his own business and the flexibility that came with that was a hard deal to pass up.

Packing up their life in sunny California to move across the country to New York meant much more than wrapping their things in newspaper and leaving behind the beach gear. It was a big job, and by the time they were sitting in their new house in Staten Island, New York, Adrie was just glad for it to be done and over with. Now, her time at home is spent chasing after her boys and making their new house a home. She loves watching the businessman that she sees Ayden blossoming into, and every day Wyatt comes home from school talking about how much he loves his teachers, or that he made new friends, she is more and more sure that it was all for the best. Even though the winters were never something that she missed.
Antonio Felice 53, father
Cathryn Felice (née Kostelecky) 50, mother
Antonio Felice, Jr. 36, brother
Andrew Felice 33, brother
Alexander Felice 30, brother


PREFERENCES: Third person, storybook, PST.
CONTACT: Screened Post.
PLAYED BY: Jackie Cruz.
LAYOUT: Created by ~caboosey